Tuesday, 12 November 2013

When Faith Is Not As Solid As It Is Fluid

I used to think of faith as something solid, unmoving and never changing, and that through the ups and downs and mistakes of my life I was either holding on to it, or letting go of it.
It was something I could walk away from, or cling to, but not something that was within me, a part of me.
My experience of faith has changed my thoughts and understanding of it.
I don't think faith is so much solid as it is fluid.
Something that is not a separate entity to me, but a part of me, it moves with me, growing and changing as I do.
I don't cling to it, but rather it is a permanent part of me, as much a part of me as the breath moving in and out of my body.
Sometimes it seems so small, like I barely notice it's presence, but I've learnt that it is still always there, flowing and growing and becoming, with me on my journey.

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