For a long time now, I have struggled with the term "truth and grace"
It seems a lot of things have been said to me and others that have been described as speaking the truth in love, or speaking with truth and grace on a matter.
I've since realised that a lot of this was actually bullying, and the reason I didn't feel the grace part of the equation is because it didn't exist. There was no grace, only "truth".
And so, I hear the term "truth and grace" and "speaking the truth in love" and I bristle.
I think if you're speaking with truth and grace to someone, you shouldn't have to tell them that you are, it should be obvious.
Obvious because of the genuine love, because of the connection you have with that person, and because there is evidence that they are speaking with truth and grace because they have a relationship with the only one who has ever really exuded truth and grace, Jesus.
So with the words we speak, with the way we live our lives, are we truly showing truth and grace, the way Jesus showed it or is it a human version where it covers up our attempts to judge others and enforce rules and religion on them?
Hard questions, perhaps?
Maybe it hurts a bit, because we've either been the one who has tried using the human version, or maybe it's been us who's done the false truth and grace wielding.
Either way, I wonder what Jesus would like us to do.
I'm thinking His answer might involve something regarding specks and logs and eyes, and lots and lots of loving others and humbly walking with them on their journey.
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