Sunday, 17 November 2013

The "Be" Series...

I have an app on my phone called "Word" and its a daily devotional.
A the moment it's a "Be" series, and I've been blown away the last few days at how it is speaking to me and coinciding with words spoken over me and things I am working through in my journey.
I've journaled briefly what each day has spoken the most to me about, and I thought I would share, because I thought it might be a blessing to others as well. It counts down backwards, because, well, that's the way I started it and I couldn't be bothers typing it all out again in order ;-)
Many blessings!!

Word app
Be series

Day 8 - Be Hopeful
Heb 6:19
Hope in Jesus... Compels us to love deeper, be patient longer and to live with expectancy...
fear and hurt do the opposite work of hope...that's why Jesus says He comes to make "all things new". Old, worn out, broken down and given- up on things.

Day 7 - be generous
Luke 6:38
Much blessing in being a blessing
It'll transform you from the inside out and ultimately bring blessing back to you

-----people who go to Ballarat Community Church - this was yesterday's, and remember what the sermon was about?! Wow!----------

Day 6- be strong
Deuteronomy 31:6
Don't get caught up in being strong on your own
Paul says in Cor 12 " it's in my weakness He is made strong"

Day 5- be forgiving
Eph 4:32
Choose today to let go of the pain of past situations and relationships

Day 4- be happy
1 Thes 5:16
That's why this verse says, "always rejoice"- its saying that the decision lies with you

Day 3- be bold
Eph 6:19
This is not a heavy have to thing but its a this is what should flow from your heart if you love me thing.
Listen to the spirit and fight against the voice of fear.

This verse was amazing to me after a friend spoke pretty much the same thing over me the night before! God is so good!

Day 2- be thankful
Eph 5:20
Comparison is damaging and undermines the uniqueness in which God has created each of us.
One of the most transformational concepts within the bible is thankfulness.

Day 1- be still
Psalm 46:10
Elijah hears God as a still small voice (1 Kings 19)
Finding a quiet moment where you say nothing and you give God room to speak to you.

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