Wednesday, 1 January 2014


Last year my ONE WORD was real.

It was about living in a real way, being who I am, being honest about how I am.
I think it helped me to realise that it's important to be real in life.
Pretending and just saying you're okay all the time doesn't lead to anywhere.

This year I've been thinking about how I want to continue that, and how I want to live my life in a way that I am fully participating in it. In my relationships, in my faith, in my health, in the daily stuff of life.

I want to live, and I want to live fully.

I've recently finished reading a book by Brene Brown called Daring Greatly, and have just started one of her other books called The Gifts of Imperfection. In her books she talks about living and loving Wholeheartedly. 

Words that describe how this is lived out, she says in her book, are worthiness, rest, play, trust, faith, intuition, hope, authenticity, love, belonging, joy, gratitude, and creativity. 
Embracing our tenderness and vulnerability.

I think this year's ONE WORD, wholehearted, has found me.

It describes exactly for me how I want to live my life.
It embraces that life isn't about living or loving perfectly, and that in living wholeheartedly, each day is full of love and life, and that it is, actually, in the day to day, often mundane parts of life that joy can be found. Not needing to seek for bigger, better things, but being fully present where I am and finding things to be grateful for each day.

I don't want to write a list of things to do in order to blog about my ONE WORD, but there are a few things I'd like to (flexibly) try in order to live out this word this year.

- To finish reading The Gifts of Imperfection and write what I thought about it, and some favourite quotes from it.

- 365 Days of Gratitude - a photo each day of something I'm grateful for or that has brought me joy.

- Think and write about how 'wholehearted' is helping me to live my life, and how it is impacting my life as a wife, mum, daughter, Jesus follower, friend, etc...

Have you got ONE WORD for 2014, or is there a verse from scripture, or a list of things you'd like to make of this year?

As well as my word wholehearted, there is a verse from Isaiah 60:1 that I think sums up living wholeheartedly for God...