Wednesday, 23 January 2013

A Year Of Biblical Womanhood - My thoughts...

My thoughts on:

A Year of Biblical Womanhood
How a liberated woman found herself sitting on her roof, covering her head, and calling her husband ‘Master’

For a couple of years I had been quite confused and concerned about the idea of Biblical Womanhood. I’d never really come across it until a year or so earlier, and here I was being a woman, and a person who believed in the bible.
Was I a biblical woman?
What did it take to be classified a biblical woman?

When I heard that Rachel Held Evans was doing this project and writing the book, I was intrigued, and excited that someone was thinking along these lines.

Some people thought it would be making a mockery of the Bible, other people thought, like me I guess, it was a fascinating idea, and were waiting to hear about how it went.

For my birthday I got an iPad and as soon as I had my kindle app ready to go, I bought the book!

To be honest, from start to finish I laughed, I cried, I cried out YES, and I found myself finally identifying with what being a woman, and one who believed in God, meant.

The confusion I have felt regarding biblical womanhood was addressed quite early on,

“After all, technically speaking, it is biblical for a woman to be sold by her father (Exodus 21:7), biblical for her to be forced to marry her rapist (Deuteronomy 22:28-29), biblical for her to remain silent in church (1 Corinthians 14:34-35), biblical for her to cover her head (1 Corinthians 11:6), and biblical for her to be one of multiple wives (Exodus 21:10).

This is why the notion of  “biblical womanhood” so intrigued me.
Could an ancient collection of sacred texts, spanning multiple genres and assembled over thousands of years in cultures very different than our own, really offer a single cohesive formula for how to be a woman? And do all the women of Scripture fit into this same mould? Must I?

I’m the sort of person who likes to identify the things that most terrify and intrigue me in this world and plunge headlong into them… it’s the reason I woke up one morning with a crazy idea lighting up every corner of my brain.

What if I tried it all? What if I took “biblical womanhood” literally?”

For Rachel, this would mean for the next year, her “Biblical Woman’s Ten Commandments” would serve as a guide for daily living…

Involving activities such as:
Submitting to her husband’s will, devoting herself to duties of the home, dressing modestly, covering her head when in prayer, not cutting her hair, not teaching in church, remaining ceremonially impure for her period, learning how to cook, calling her husband “Master”, and more.
Each month Rachel focused on a different virtue – gentleness, domesticity, obedience, valour, beauty, modesty, purity, fertility, submission, justice, silence and grace.

Rather than mocking the bible or criticising women who are homemakers, Rachel celebrates all women.

Those who work outside the home, those who work inside the home, those who are married, those who are single.

Because being a woman is not about being tied to a certain role or task. It is not being limited to a realm of service.

“Knowing that God both inhabits and transcends our daily vocations, no matter how glorious or mundane, should be enough to unite all women of faith and end that nasty cycle of judgement we get caught in these days.”

There seems to be a lot of this around.
The should and shouldn’t, can and cant, right and wrong in regards to being a Christian woman.

Confusion and debate can end up defining how we relate to each other. Through reading Rachel’s book, I learnt what we should be saying to each other instead.

Eshet Chayil!!

Proverbs 31 is a passage of scripture that  “many Christians interpret prescriptively, as a command to women rather than an ode to women, with the home-based endeavours of the Proverbs 31 women cast as the ideal lifestyle for all women of faith.”

“In Jewish culture it is not the women who memorise Proverbs 31, but the men. Husbands commit each line to memory, so they can recite it to their wives at the Sabbath meal…”

So, not a list of rules, but a blessing, to celebrate women. Not because of what they do, but because of who they are!
Women of valour (Eshet Chayil)!
“Eshet Chayil at its core is a blessing – one that was never meant to be earned, but to be given, unconditionally.”

Rachel’s journey of A Year of Biblical Womanhood led her to an “unconventional conclusion…there is no such thing”
“Among the women praised in scripture are warriors, widows, slaves, sister wives, apostles, teachers, concubines, queens, foreigners, prostitutes, prophets, mothers, and martyrs…”

“As much as we may long for the simplicity of a single definition of ‘biblical womanhood’, there is no one right way to be a woman, no mould into which we must each cram ourselves…”

Personally, when I read these words I was able to breathe a sigh of relief. I’ve tried to fit into the mould, tried to be a ‘biblical woman’, tried to follow dos’ and don’t’s and it doesn’t work.

God created us all differently. Giftings, passions, personalities, quirks, desires, etc…

We are unique. We are woman made by a creative God, who has a different work for each of us to do.
We have a common goal and calling though, and Rachel touches on this beautifully…

“… I believe that my calling as a Christian, is the same as that as any follower of Jesus. My calling is to love the Lord with all my heart, soul, mind and strength, and to love my neighbour as myself. Jesus himself said that the rest of scripture can be rendered down into these two commands. If love was Jesus’ definition of ‘biblical’, then perhaps it should be mine.”

Amen! Eshet Chayil!!

All quotes from "A Year Of Biblical Womanhood", Rachel Held Evans, 2012

God Is Always There

I sit up on the lookout
To watch the ocean waves
They always look so beautiful
That's how I know that

God is always there
Watching over His creation
God is always there
Come see the things that He has done
He watches over you
Because you're a part of His creation too

When I see His creation
I have to bow in awe
The things He's done for you and me
If only they knew that

God is always there
Watching over His creation
God is always there
Come see the things that He has done
He watches over you
Because you're a part of His creation too

- I wrote this about 10 years ago sitting at the Queenscliff lookout :)

Learning to control my thoughts

Written in early December 2012

Sometimes I sit here with so many thoughts and I don't know what to do with them all.
Housework I need to do, looking after my kids, packing for going away, mainly music next year, things I'd like to write, Thomas at kinder next year, appointments I have or need to make, folding I need to do, lists I need to make.
My mind feels so full.
I feel a bit suffocated.
I feel so out of my depth with all the shoulds and must dos and what ifs and when this happens I'll be happy, etc...
Where do I take it all?
What do I do with it all?
What really matters out of it all?
Worry and anxiety has begun to define me, and so I am on a journey of defining it, so I can eliminate it.
When I'm worried, I ask myself, can I do anything about it?
If not, I distract from it using shutting off techniques (word games, doing something relaxing, etc...)
If I can, I make a note of what I can do (if it can't be done right away)
If its something I can do right away, I do it.
Learning to identify and resolve the uncomfortable feelings and energy is helping me to minimise anxiety.
To realise that I can control my thoughts and behaviours in response to situations has been freeing and is starting to change the way I see all of life and respond to all of life.

Sunday, 13 January 2013



Mother is a little girl who trod my path before me;
Just a bigger, wiser little girl who ran ahead-
Bigger, wiser, stronger girl who always watches o’er me,
One who knows the pitfalls in the rugged road I tread.

Mother is a playmate who will always treat me kindly-
Playmate who will yield me what true happiness demands.
She will never let my feet stray into brambles blindly-
Mother’s just a bigger little girl who understands.

Mother is an older little playmate who’ll befriend me-
Yesteryear she travelled in the path that’s mine today.
Never need I fear a foe from which she might defend me-
Faithful little pal who ran ahead and learned the way.


To my beautiful mother Lee - I love you

I don't know who wrote this poem, but it is taken from page 6 of Rachel Ashwell's book 'My Rooms, Treasures and Trinkets'

Thursday, 10 January 2013

My One Word for 2013

My One Word for 2013

The last couple of years some of the people whose blogs I follow have talked about their one word for the year.

This year I have decided it might be something good for me to try out. Last year was a good but hard one, with being pregnant with my third child for the first half of it, then having my beautiful girl in July and a couple of months later being diagnosed with anxiety disorder.

The subsequent time I have spent getting back to myself and seeing a psychologist to work on self esteem and managing anxiety skills has made me look a bit closer at who I am again.
Not the roles I have in life, but what I like, what I don’t like, my passions, things I enjoy doing, what I believe, etc…

I feel like I am finally finding the real me, after twenty-eight years of life. But also realising that the real me has always been there, but life has helped me to journey along and feel more comfortable and happy with who the real me is.

I want to be me. I want to be honest about the things I feel, the things I believe, who I am deep inside. I don’t want to be a mystery to myself or to others. I want to share who God has made me to be with people around me, to be a blessing and to do life with them.

So with all this in mind, my one word for 2013 is ‘REAL’

I want to be real in my relationships, about how I’m feeling, with my faith, and generally real with how I do life.

No hiding or pretending. I want to be real.

Monday, 7 January 2013

How my doubts led to growth...

How my doubts led to growth...
I've always been wary of doubting.
Of not really believing.
But I've also been wary of absolutely knowing the truth.
About God, His word.
Knowing all the answers.
I mean, what if one day it was all uncovered.
Revealed as a lie.
A nice story along the lines of The Wizard of Oz, where at the end it was all a lie, a lovely dream, a faraway hope.

For a long time these thoughts would plague me.
Singing worship songs in church, but inside thinking, "is this real?"

My doubts scared me.
All I really knew was church, my friends were there, my family was there.
Everything was there.
And if I didn't really believe, I didn't really belong, right?
So I went through the motions for many years.

I loved God, I loved Jesus, but with this fear still that this love was for something I could just be imagining, hoping was real.
What do you do when you have so many doubts?
About yourself, your faith, your salvation?
I kept going. I worshipped. I wore my uniform. Tried to read my bible. All of the things that made me feel like I was a Christian, like I was doing the right things, believing the right things.

Even though I still had my doubts, I feel in that time God was showing himself to me, not in the things I did, but in the love of people around me.
In people who were examples of Jesus' love to me.
In seeing the world around me, with all the pain, but also all the love and mercy we humans seemed to be capable of showing.
Seeing people love with a love that wasn't human, it was of God.
I saw glimpses of Him, so I kept on.

A couple of years ago I discovered there were a lot of different ideologies and practices related to being a Christian that I'd never heard a lot about.
Facebook was a place where I found out a lot more about these practices, ideas and beliefs and it felt to me like something new, something fresh, an identity for me as a Christian, because I still didn't really feel the part.
I felt like I had to do more, to be different to feel I was a true Christian.

I learnt about practices such as skirt wearing, having long hair, complementarianism, homeschooling, real/traditional food, quiverfull families, biblical manhood and womanhood, return of the daughters, patriarchal ideals, and much more, and I was fascinated, I guess.
Maybe learning and trying to practice some of these things would make me fulfilled as a Christian.
As I learnt more, read more, asked questions, I began to have niggles of doubt about the things I was reading.
A lot of these practices seemed to glorify family above all else, put men on a pedestal, and involved legalistic rules and roles.
I felt I was caught in the middle.

I was so interested in all this, and it felt like it was a way I could identify with something, like I was doing something different and that it somehow made me more of a Christian.
Looking back, I know I was really searching, but what I was searching for wasn't going to be found there.

And the questions I had still nagged, like if this is real, why don't I feel it, what am I doing wrong.
And some, not all, but some of the people practicing these ideologies seemed to be very judgemental of those who did not. Like a we're right and you're wrong sort of attitude.

I wondered what mattered to God more - wearing the right things, doing the right things, or having a right heart attitude.
I decided that with all of the confusion it was time for me to work out my own salvation with fear and trembling (Philippians 2:12b)
I went to the Salvation Army Book of Doctrine, to see for myself again what the foundation of my faith, my belief was.

The thing that stood out the most to me reading through this again was how the important things mentioned aren't about outward, legalistic practices, but what we believe and the attitude we have on the inside.
I was writing about this one day and reading through what I'd written, I realised how many times I said 'if I believe in God' or 'if I believe in Jesus'
I'd had enough of doubting IF I believe in Jesus, IF I believe in God.

I looked around me and saw evidence of Him in creation, I thought of the people I had seen the love of Jesus in, encounters of the Holy Spirit I had experienced when worshipping, the assurance that although I didn't always feel it, I knew God was there.
I knew right then I didn't need to doubt about that anymore. I believed in God. I believed in Jesus.
The only qualms I had now was the questions I still had about many things, Christianity seemed to be complicated in so many ways, where was the simple childlike faith found?

I was talking to someone about this, and saying about the doubts and how I'm trying to work out what I believe, who I am in God.
She said that it was good.
She said that Christians have in common their belief in Jesus, who He is, what He did for us.
But that there are other areas where we can differ, different ways we're called, different positions we can take on certain things.
We can disagree but still be brothers and sisters in Christ.

This was a turning point for me, in realising I don't need to have all the answers, it's okay to have questions, to have doubts.
I know who my Saviour is.
There are many other things I don't know, I don't understand.
But Christ is my cornerstone.

Next post I'll be talking about how I am continuing grow and some of the things I've learnt.
Plus, a book club I'm going to be part of this year.
Jenna :)


As on my Facebook page, this is a place where I will share thoughts, scribblings, ideas and ramblings.

I'm a thinker and a dreamer, and love art, handbags, music, writing, reading, learning, coffee and much more!!

I hope you receive blessings from being a part of the She Can Talk community.

Jenna xx